Tag Archives: grill

Pancake Day: Grilled Pancake Sandwiches or Grilled Pandwiches!?! XP

Wowee! Busy week this week! First its Valentines Day, now its Shrove Tuesday or Pancake day…whatever you want to call it and then its gonna be Chinese New Year! I can’t keep up O.o

Anyhoo, pancakes! The one time of the year where we British get very British and dedicate a whole day to eating pretty much nothing but pancakes. So, why not give you guys a pancake recipe?

So, we all know the usual pancakes, light fluffy ones with loads of syrup and butter or the more delicate French style crepes with toppings and other scrummy whatnots. But, I wanted something different. Something more interesting and fun. So why not put my own usual personal twist to pancakes?

Thus, I present to you my ‘Grilled Pancake Sandwiches’ or ‘Grilled Pandwiches’!?! Basically, an American grilled cheese sandwich, but with pancakes instead and my own choice of 3 types of fillings for your enjoyment. XD

Yes, I know I said Pancake day was a British tradition and my recipe is technically American inspired…but oh well, who cares really. They are cheap to make, sooper easy to do and sooper tasty and that’s all I really care about! So give it a go and Enjoy!


(Prep/Cooking time: 30mins – 1 Hour , Difficulty Level: 2 – Easy, Cost: ££ – Cheap)


~ Pancakes (Yields about 6-8 pancake sandwiches):

  • Plain Flour/Self Raising Flour (2 Cups)
  • Eggs (3-5)
  • Milk ( 1½-2 Cups)
  • Baking Powder ( 1½ tsps)
  • Unsalted Butter/Sunflower Oil/Spray Oil
  • Pinch of Salt

~ Breakfast Pancake Sandwich:

  • Bacon
  • Eggs
  • Cream Cheese
  • (Optional) Syrup

~ Vegetarian Option Sandwich:

(Suitable for Vegetarians)

  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms (Roughly sliced/chopped)
  • Garlic (Finely Diced)
  • Grated/Sliced/Crumbled Cheese (Any kind/Your favourite kind)

~ Classic Nutella & Banana Sandwich:

(Suitable for Vegetarians)

  • Bananas (Sliced)
  • Nutella
  • Peanut Butter

If you are allergic to nuts or peanuts at all, you can substitute the Nutella with some normal chocolate spread and the Peanut Butter with some Jam or you could try using mini marshmallows/cut up marshmallows and basically making a pancake s’more!!!

ingredients Continue reading Pancake Day: Grilled Pancake Sandwiches or Grilled Pandwiches!?! XP

French inspired scrumptious Cheese on Toast

Sorry for the lack of content recently guys. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had the time to do anything recently. But here’s a quick and uber tasty snack recipe for you all  you can make in literally 10 minutes if you’re hungry and cba to make anything lavish.

I went to France recently with my gf and came across something similar at a cafe we were at, realised it was real easy to make and also tasty so I thought I’d share it with you guys. Enjoy!


(Preparation time: 10 minutes, Difficulty Level: 1 – Sooper Easy)

(Suitable for Vegetarians)


  • Sliced bread
  • Whole tomato
  • Tomato Salsa (If you can’t get any salsa, I will be uploading a homemade salsa recipe soon).
  • Cheese (Any type you like)20140725_140741

Continue reading French inspired scrumptious Cheese on Toast